Shahrokh Shams

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Shahrokh Shams

College of Interdisciplinary Science and Technologies / دانشكده مهندسي هوافضا (سازه هاي هوافضايي)

Journal Paper

  1. "Nonlinear aeroelasticity of H-type vertical axis wind turbine blade"
    Davood Badiei, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Shahrokh Shams
  2. "Effect of temperature and magnetoelastic loads on the free vibration of a sandwich beam with magnetorheological core and functionally graded material constraining layer"
    Babak Mirzavand, Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Reza Kazemi, Mohammad Rokn-Abadi
    ACTA MECHANICA, Vol. 234, No 234, 2022
  3. "Unsteady aero-elastic analysis of a composite wing containing an edge crack"
    Alireza Torabi, Shahrokh Shams, Mahdi Fatehi narab, Mohammad-ali Amiri Atashgah
  4. "Free vibration analysis of a laminated beam using dynamic stiffness matrix method considering delamination"
    Shahrokh Shams, Alireza Torabi, Mahdi Fatehi Narab, Mohammad-ali Amiri Atashgah
    THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES, Vol. 166, No 107952, 2021
  5. "Investigating the effect of edge crack on the modal properties of composite wing using dynamic stiffness matrix"
    Alireza Torabi, Shahrokh Shams, Mahdi Fatehi narab
    STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, Vol. 39, No 5, pp.543-564, 2021
  6. "Delamination effects on the unsteady aero-elastic behavior of composite wing by modal analysis"
    Alireza Torabi, Shahrokh Shams, Mahdi Fatehi narab, Mohammad-ali Amiri Atashgah
  7. "Nonlinear aeroelasticity of high-aspect-ratio wings with laminated composite spar"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Davood Badiei
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 43, No 7, 2021
  8. "A New Dynamic Stall Approach for Investigating Bifurcation and Chaos in Aeroelastic Response of a Blade Section with Flap Free-Play Section"
    Reza Esbati Lavasani, Shahrokh Shams
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 30, No 14, 2020
  9. "Cubic static stall model for nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of high-aspect-ratio flexible composite wings"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Reza Kazemi, Babak Mirzavand
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 42, No 12, 2020
  10. "Torsional Aeroelasticity of a Flexible VAWT Blade using a Combined Aerodynamic Method by Considering Post-stall and Local Reynolds Regime"
    Shahrokh Shams, Ahad Molaei, Babak Mirzavand
    Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 6, No 4, 2020
  11. "Impact of Blade Aeroelastic Torsion on the Performance of VAWT Using a Innovative Combined Nonlinear Aerodynamic Method"
    Shahrokh Shams, Ahad Molaei, Babak Mirzavand
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, Vol. 1, No 1, 2019
  12. "Developments of a Semi-Empirical Dynamic Stall Model for 1 Unsteady Airfoils"
    Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Davood Badiei, Shahrokh Shams
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 454, No 41, 2019
  13. "Aeroelastic stability analysis of a wind turbine blade section with trailing edge flap using a flexible unsteady blade elements momentum theory"
    Shahrokh Shams, Reza Esbati Lavasani
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 41, No 8, 2019
  14. "Vibration analysis of cantilever pipe conveying fluid under distributed random excitation"
    Saeid Sazesh, Shahrokh Shams
    JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, Vol. 87, No 1, pp.84-101, 2019
  15. "A Modified Indicial Functions Approximation for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis"
    Mahdi Nejati, Saeed Shokrollahi, Shahrokh Shams, Ramin Torkaman
    Scientia Iranica, Vol. 27, No 1, 2019
    Mohammad Moshfeghi, Shahrokh Shams, Mortaza Ramezani, Nahmkeon Hura
    Journal of Computational Fluids Engineering, Vol. 23, No 4, pp.24-32, 2018
  17. "Performance assessment of Darrieus wind turbines with symmetric and cambered airfoils"
    Ion Paraschivoiu, Shahrokh Shams, Norbert V. Dy
    Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 42, No 4, pp.382-392, 2018
  18. "Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of high-aspect-ratio wings using indicial aerodynamics"
    Saeed Shokrollahi, Mahdi Nejati, Shahrokh Shams
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 40, No 6, pp.1-22, 2018
  19. "Impact crushing behavior of foam-lled paraboloid shells using numerical and experimental methods"
    Shahrokh Shams, Hassan Haddadpour, Hossein Tuzandejani, S.a.a. Hosseini, Mohsen Vatanparast, Saleheh Zahab
    Scientia Iranica, Vol. 24, No 4, 2017
  20. "Aerodynamic performance enhancement analysis of horizontal axis wind turbines using a passive flow control method via split blade"
    Mohammad Moshfeghi, Shahrokh Shams, Nahmkeon Hura
  21. "Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of an airfoil with control surface free-play using stochastic approach"
    Saeid Sazesh, Shahrokh Shams
    JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, Vol. 72, No 1, pp.114-126, 2017
  22. "Static Stall Model in Aeroelastic Analysis of a Flexible Wing with Geometrical Nonlinearity"
    Davood Badiei, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Shahrokh Shams
    JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, Vol. 27, No 2, pp.378-389, 2014
  23. "Vibration analysis of geometrically nonlinear spinning beams"
    S.a.a. Hosseini, Mahdi Zamanian, Shahrokh Shams, Alireza Shooshtari
    MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, Vol. 1, No 78, pp.15-35, 2014
  24. "Nonlinear Aeroelastic Behavior of Slender Wings Considering a Static Stall Model Based on Wagner Function"
    Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Shahrokh Shams, Davood Badiei
    Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 325-326, pp.172-179, 2013
  25. "An efficient method for nonlinear aeroelasticy of slender wings"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Hassan Haddadpour
    NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, Vol. 1, No 67, pp.659-681, 2012
  26. "Critical velocity analysis of Fluid-containing Pipe with Non-Classical Boundary Conditions"
    Shahrokh Shams, Sajad Jangravi
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Vibration, Vol. 10, No 3, pp.52-59, 2020
  27. "Developing the Aeroelastic model of a Composite Wind Turbine Blade and Analyzing the Effects of Rotation and Length Increase on Natural Frequencies"
    Reza Esbati Lavasani, Shahrokh Shams
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Vibration, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.7-17, 2020
  28. "Investigation of Aeroelastic Behavior of Straight Bladed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using by Nonlinear Flexible DMST (NFDMST) Aerodynamic Model"
    Shahrokh Shams, Morteza Ramezani, Ahad Molaei
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 20, No 5, pp.1157-1169, 2020
  29. "Effect of Split on Flow Separation Reduction of Wind Turbine Airfoil using DES Turbulence Model"
    Mohammad Moshfeghi, Shahrokh Shams, Mortaza Ramezani, Nem Kan Hur
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 20, No 2, 2020
  30. "Development of Boeing-Vertol Dynamic Stall Model Considering Unsteady Flow Effects"
    Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Davood Badiei, Shahrokh Shams
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 19, No 10, pp.11-20, 2019
  31. "Developing and Aeroelastic Analysis of a Rotating Airfoil Using unsteady Loewy Aerodynamic and Flutter Suppression by PID Controller"
    Shahrokh Shams, Reza Esbati Lavasani
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 19, No 6, pp.1-10, 2019
  32. "Aeroelastic Analysis of a Double-Sweep Wing with the Metal/ Composite Sections"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Keshtgar, Mohammad Mansouri
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 19, No 4, pp.927-935, 2019
  33. "The flutter speed and effect of laminate layers of composite wing carrying two powered engines"
    Saied Moharami, Saied Irani, Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Reza Fallah
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 18, No 2, pp.314-322, 2018
  34. "Calculation of the equivalent torsional rigidity for single and multi-cell thin-walled sections made of laminated composites"
    Mohammadreza Kazemi, Shahrokh Shams, Alireza Torabi, Seyyed Mohammad Mansoori, Mohammad Reza Sepah Amiri
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 17, No 11, 2018
  35. "Kinematic analysis of articulated flapping wings mechanisms considering nonlinear quasi-steady aerodynamic"
    Shahrokh Shams, Babak Mirzavand, Seyyed Mohammad Mansoori, Mohammadreza Kazemi
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 17, No 12, 2018
  36. "A Comprehensive Model to Compute Incompressible-Subsonic Compressible Unsteady Aerodynamic Loads using Indicial Functions"
    Mahdi Nejati, سعید شکرالهی, Shahrokh Shams
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 17, No 1, 2017
  37. "Investigation of nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of airfoils with flow separation based on cubic static stall modeling"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammadreza Kazemi, Babak Mirzavand, Zahra Khojasteh_bakhteh_koupaie
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 16, No 12, 2017
  38. "Shock Analysis and Determination of Dynamical Properties of Hydro-pneumatic Shock Absorbers with the Use of Experimental and Theoretical Methods"
    S.a.a. Hosseini, Hossein Pouryavi, رضا مشکانی, Shahrokh Shams
    Aerospace Mechanics Journal, Vol. دوازدهم, No 4, 2016

Conference Paper

    Shahrokh Shams
    The ninth international Conference on Knowledge and Technology of Mechanical, Electrical Engineering and Computer Of Iran, 2024
  2. "Determination of generated power of H-type cable wind turbine using artificial neural network method"
    Mohammad Hassan Khoshnevis, Shahrokh Shams
    The 22nd International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2024
  3. "Determination of vibrations properties of a wire rope H-type wind turbine with artificial neural network method"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Hassan Khoshnevis
    The 22nd International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2024
  4. "Investigating the Hydrodynamic behavior of a 3-channel partial admission water turbine"
    Shahrokh Shams, Sharyar Payvar, Saeid Ghalandari
    The 22nd International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2024
  5. "Improving Aeroelastic Stability of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Simplified Rectangular Composite Blade"
    Shahrokh Shams, Ahad Molaei, Saeed Shokrollahi
    Eighth international Conference on Knowledge and Technology of Mechanical, Electrical Engineering and Computer Of Iran, 2023
    Shahrokh Shams, EHSAN KARIMI BADRABADI, Mahdis Madahi
    Eighth international Conference on Knowledge and Technology of Mechanical, Electrical Engineering and Computer Of Iran, 2023
  7. "Dynamic stiffness matrix for analysis of modal properties the damaged composite wing"
    Shahrokh Shams, Alireza Torabi, Mahdi Fatehi narab
    The 18th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2020
  8. "Critical Velocity Analysis as well as the Effect of Dynamic Vibrations Absorber of Fluid-Containing Pipes"
    Shahrokh Shams, Hossein Shahverdi, Sajad Jangravi
  9. "Approach to the study of the space-time fluid in the Quran and Islamic narrations"
    Shahrokh Shams
    Space and Future of the Islamic World on the horizon of 2035 Approach to the study of the space-time fluid in the Quran and Islamic narrations, 2019
  10. "Cubic Static Stall Model for Aeroelastic Behavior of Composite Blade"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammadreza Kazemi, Babak Mirzavand
    1st International Symposium on Wind and Tidal Power (ISWTP 2017),28-31 May 2017, 2017
  11. "Effects of Ply Orientation on Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Behavior of Composite Wings"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Davood Badiei
    AES-ATEMA’2014 Seventeen International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (Montreal, CANADA: June 16 – 20, 2014), 2014
  12. "Nonlinear Aeroelasticity of Slender Wings under Stall Condition"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Davood Badiei, Ali Khojasteh
    AES-ATEMA’2014 Seventeen International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (Montreal, CANADA: June 16 – 20, 2014), 2014
  13. "Vibration and Critical Speed of Rotating Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shell Subjected to Axial Loading"
    Mohammad Ali Amozegar, Davood Badiei, Behrouz Alem, Shahrokh Shams
    20th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2012, 2012
  14. "Vibration and Critical Speed of Rotating Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shell"
    Davood Badiei, Mohamad Ali Amozegar, Shahrokh Shams, Behrouz Alem
    The 11th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Aero2012, 2012
  15. "Consider the effects of the current fluctuation in the Boeing Vertol Dynamic Stall Model"
    Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Shahrokh Shams, Davood Badiei
    The 17th International Conference Iranian Aerospace Society, 2018
  16. "Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of High Aspect Ratio Wings under Bending-Bending-Torsion considering Compressible Subsonic Flow"
    Mahdi Nejati, سعید شکرالهی , Ramin Torkaman, Shahrokh Shams
    7th International Conference on Acoustic and Vibration-ISAV2017,Sharif University of Technology (STU)-28th and 29th of Nov. 2017, 2017
  17. "Investigating LCOs for High Aspect Ratio Wings using Inditial Aerodynamics"
    Mahdi Nejati, سعید شکرالهی , Ramin Torkaman, Shahrokh Shams
    7th International Conference on Acoustic and Vibration-ISAV2017,Sharif University of Technology (STU)-28th and 29th of Nov. 2017, 2017
  18. "Using Flexible Blade Element Momentum for Analyzing Horizontal Axes Wind Turbine's Blade"
    Shahrokh Shams, Seyyed Saeeid Mozaffariyan
    1st National Conference on Future of Engineering and Technology, 2017
  19. "Kinematic Analysis of two arms wings of Birds in Flapping motion"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Mansouri
    16th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Aero2012, 2017
  20. "Developing Nonlinear Geometry of rotating Blades"
    Meysam Farzamkia, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Hamidreza Ovesy, Shahrokh Shams
    15th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2016
  21. "Aerodynamic Analysis of a 2 MW Wind Turbine Blade using Flexible Unsteady Blade Element Momentum"
    Shahrokh Shams, Seyyed Saeeid Mozaffariyan
    15th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 28 Jan 2016, 2016
  22. "Buckling of Cylindrical Shell with rectangular Cutout under uniform Temperature Loading"
    Meysam Farzamkia, Mahnaz Naseri, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Shahrokh Shams
    15th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 28 Jan 2016, 2016
  23. "Correcting nonlinear aerodynamic Boeing-Vortel model of dynamic stall simulation"
    Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Shahrokh Shams, Davood Badiei
    Fourteenth International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2015
  24. "Vibrations of a rotating beam with uncertainty in properties under random excitation using Monte - Carlo Method"
    علی اصغر حسینی, Mahdi Zamanian, Shahrokh Shams
    The 13th conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2014
  25. "The effect of changing Layup angle in the elastic coupling of nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of high aspect ratio composite wings"
    Shahrokh Shams, Mohammad Homayoun Sadr, Hassan Haddadpour, Davood Badiei
    The 13th conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2014
  26. "Free vibration analysis of rotating shafts considering geometric nonlinear effects using multiple scales Method"
    S.a.a. Hosseini, Shahrokh Shams, Mahdi Zamanian
    The 13th conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2014