Shahrokh Shams

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Shahrokh Shams

College of Interdisciplinary Science and Technologies / دانشكده مهندسي هوافضا (سازه هاي هوافضايي)


  • Ph.D: Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, PhD in Aerospace Engineering, 2002 → 2008
  • M.Sc: Amirkabir University of Technology, (Tehran Polytechnic), Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, 1999 → 2002
  • M.Sc: Amirkabir University of Technology, (Tehran Polytechnic), Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, 1999 → 2002
  • M.Sc: Amirkabir University of Technology, (Tehran Polytechnic), Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, 1999 → 2002
  • B.Sc: Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, 1995 → 1999


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